Never take that crown off, Kristen Stewart.

It’s summer and half across the globe, everyone I know is melting like bananas in this heat. It’s not a great time to be alive, really, because of the horrible weather. On the other hand, though, it’s a GREAT time to alive because


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laying beautifully on my table. is this real life.

but really. thank you for the grand surprise, Marie Claire.

To be honest, I wasn’t even expecting to see Kristen’s pretty face on MC’s August issue. In fact, I have been vehemently waiting in anticipation of the promised spread of her in ELLE UK this upcoming September. (Ohai, Elle UK editors, if you’re reading this.) Then as if we were just expecting her on Elle UK’s cover — Marie Claire was like GAME ON — hence the birth of this gorgeous cover of epic proportions.

Let’s take it from the top of her article, shall we?

“I lit my universe on fire,” she admits with a sly smile, “And I watched it burn.”

This. This is the boldest shit she has ever said. It sounds so bad ass and defiant— but sometimes it’s the hardest thing to do — to be the one to pull off the plug and let your life detonate, in fact, it’s one of the scariest things anyone could ever do.  The universe can mean a thousand things — but in this context I assume it is the strength that Kristen has in letting go every irrelevant baggage —while embracing the rebel labels thrown her way in order to move onward and upward in the vicinity of greater things. It’s like…in order to reach places you’ve always yearned to be, you have to first free yourself from the shackles of worries and emotional crutches that have been weighing you down and keeping you from being free, you know? And that ladies and gentlemen, proves the likes of the smart woman she has always been. Kristen is the conductor to her own parade, marching to her own beat.

“Women are always saying they are sorry. We have that innate desire to please. It’s weird because that instinct is what makes us awesome and admirable. Women hold us all together. But it sucks that what makes us worth out weight is what gets in our way. Lately I’ve been doing less of the [assumes whiny cry voice] ‘I’m soooo sorry.’ And more of the [drops several octaves] ‘No. Fuck. Jesus.’

Can I get a fist bump from Kristen? Because she continually proves to be the voice of reason and feminism. Seriously. I’ve seen so many instances in which women and young girls feel the need to please. The obligation to placate. The guilt to apologize. Fuck that. It’s about time we shut that clatter out. Let me share a quick story. My experience in fandoms has mostly been great — pleasant even, when all of us come together as a community and talk about things we love in common — but it’s tiny incidents like fangirls pitting against one another or thrashing others left and right that have become the less pretty parts of it. I have roamed my way through these platforms —it’s the same conjecture applied across school and work places— long enough to have wise up from a few things, and one of them is definitely NEVER, ever, apologize for being the odd duck. For expressing your opinions (given it is sane, obvs). For not conforming to the bulk of the party. If they drink beer and you drink champagne? Gulp it. If they jump off a cruise a la Titanic, do you jump after? HECK NO. [You could flip them off while they drown as your ship sailed. Just kidding, kids please don’t learn badass examples like this.] Sure, it’s easier to comply with a certain group of standards. But I asked myself. Is that what I’m after? Absolutely not because that would be false. That wouldn’t be me. Which is why the hardest part is growing up to be your own person — just as Kristen embodies it — and nothing gets more real and liberating than that.

“Kristen is more self-aware than most people you’ll meet, regardless of age. She’s in a profession where you are made to question yourself, women more than men. She’s always been very intuitive. We share a dismissal of pretentiousness. And we both take what we do very seriously.” – Jesse Eisenberg

God knows there are how many folks out there (that includes both men and women) assume that it’s okay to tear down others just to prove that they are the ones holding the green card that prescribes their superiority, or to be right. And in the process they are rude to people who disagrees with their idealism. Lord forbid I do. People whom I thought were my friends have cut me out for being different and they couldn’t accept that because it wasn’t up to their “ideals”. Gradually I realized, so what if your supposed pals couldn’t handle your most honest self? You’re better off without them. Good riddance, really. It baffles me when the notion of speaking your mind is equated as “lecturing” them on their feelings. (Yawn, can people come up with a more pathetic excuse? Come on.) Do you need to make other girls/women feel lesser of themselves? Are you dying for the satisfaction? Does it grant you a trophy of ‘I’m riding the highest horse’? If so, your life is one hell of a miserable trash, mate.  Honestly, y’all, there are a few things one could be sorry for in life— like flouncing a hot date; not attending your best friend’s funeral — but feeling sorry for being yourself is never one of them. 

So go ahead. Tell them no. No because I have my own beliefs and I’m sticking to it. No because I’m standing up for the things that I love. No because your unicorn is too rigid to be riding my rainbow like that. I can see through your hypocrisy. Also. I’m sorry you cannot see that I can see though your hypocrisy. So to the rest of you in this awesome part of the world? You do YOU.

I second this.

To Kristen? I tip my hat to her for being the one who is extremely protective of her female counterparts, stands up for them, and who is one of the fiercest and most loyal woman out there. She never concedes and compromises her own faith.  She never chooses the easiest way out.

“The public kind of burned me at the stake,” she says. “But that’s OK, I can take it. I’m not dead. So many people say, ‘Oh, it must have been so easy for you.’ You think because I’m an actor that I didn’t have a normal progression of self-hatred? I have amazing radar for a certain kind of bullshit”

Perhaps the most badass thing I have ever read from her. I mean, gosh, how many of us could put of with that? Not many but this Californian beatnik. Remember being a teenager? Remember high school? College? I try not to think of the ghosts of criticisms past but I wouldn’t have imagined myself surviving this far. Coming from a slightly chauvinistic family background, my parents are quite the perfectionists/hard critics. Of course I love them, but if I were to speak frankly, they could’ve had better ways to express themselves without reducing their child to self-doubt. Admittedly, I wasn’t good at dealing with the disparaging remarks especially young. Over the years I know it shaped parts of my self-esteem that made me felt bad about myself. The struggles went on and twisted into anxiety issues. (Whoa. Getting a little bit personal here. It’s weird finally voicing it out. SEE THIS IS WHY I NEED TO STOP SECOND GUESSING MYSELF BECAUSE I MIGHT REGRET THIS LATER BYE.)  Though thanks to the best and kindest grandma I have that no one’s grandma could rival with on this planet, she taught me to be strong – to give zero whits about the negative comments people said of me that I knew was wrong– because I would never be able to satisfy them. But why do I need to? As long as I’m taking care of myself and doing things for the right reasons, the discouraging noise in my brain could use the off switch. This is what I strive to do every day. Or at least I’m getting there.

But, like everyone, Kristen went through her own self-loathing phase. And you know what? That made me feel a little more accepting of myself. That right there is the reason why I became a fan – the quality she owns that attracted me since day one – is her ability to own up to what she says and do. Come hell or high water, this woman is prepared to take on any censure and criticisms you throw in her direction and knock them straight into the pits of hell. I’m not even kidding. She has dealt with a ton of harsh and unwarranted backlash throughout her life. But she’s letting go and moving on with her head held high. So [hey tabloids and haters?] take a leaf out of Kristen’s book if you haven’t already – LET IT GO.

The bigger person always wins. She’s got nothing to lose. Whether you care to admit or not, she has always been and will always be the bigger person. Hence why she will always win.

At one point, you just let go and give yourself to your life. I have finally managed that and I get so much more out of life,” she says. “I’ve live hard for such a young person, and I’ve done that to myself – but I’ve come out the other end not hardened but strong. I have an ability to persevere that I didn’t have before. It’s like when you fall on your face so hard. And the next time, you’re like, Yeah, so? I’ve fallen on my face before.


This is who Kristen Stewart is. It says it all. Being able to get back up from your failures or missteps and telling whole world SO? IT’S NO BIG DEAL, GET OVER YOURSELVES zero fucks given is pretty much the most gangsta thing anyone could ever do. This is what we all should aim to pursue. Kicking back at the odds when it makes you think failing is like dropping an atomic bomb. Plus the fact that Kristen always remained her true sense of self, and has never let the hard edges chip away at her sweetness — heaven’s above, I have so much respect for her and it is a never ending river of respect. She’s not just beautiful inside out but also the wisest and most intelligent.

Which is why I cannot even with how her wisdom blows my brains out. Her eloquence is literally too hot and too smart for you to handle. She’s wise beyond her years more than any human being. She seems 25 but has the soul of a Confucius. Her brain cells are too precious. It’s too much. Please. I am requesting future scientists to retain part of her EQ; freeze it, save it, download it, heck whatever method you can do, just keep it. Because that is one special unicorn right there. She is the miracle to humanity. Trust.

“My hair is was such a crutch. I could hide behind it. As soon as I didn’t have all that hair, I had to let my face hang out. Maybe to most people long hair is prettier,” she concedes. “But then what? Is your main goal in life to be desired? That is boring as fuck.

And all I want to respond to that is this:

You have arrived, miss thang.

And then this:

Because Kristen Stewart has hit the exact note on letting go of the things that is keeping us from being us. She exhibits the courage to take plunge. She dares to be who she wants in a world where people are too afraid of change. One of the best things I love about her is her ability to inadvertently make me reflect on myself – how my fears or worries have been holding me back from taking chances and most certainly with how I used to hide behind my hair as well – but now I’m proud of myself because I’ve never felt more free in my life when I’d finally decided to leave my crutches behind. So thank you for the boost, Kristen.

“I need to be slapped down a few times to learn that lesson. But I wouldn’t trade it, to be honest,” she says, smiling.“I’m really proud that I am able to move forward and not fall into every mental crater. That’s a new thing for me. Age has made me smarter and calmer. And it’s fucking awesome.

And it’s like the best thing a fan can hear her say, you know? You are far more successful, brilliant, womanly, fierce and sexier than most of the women are out there, Kristen Stewart. Never take that crown off. Own what you own and own the hell out of it. Because we all know you do. And we are all here for it.

Always. ❤

[A/N: Phew. Writing this post is like having a brain marathon. I know love is just a shout out to the oblivion but I will always keep the shoutouts for Kristen coming in. And if you’re my people…don’t hesitate to say hi to me on twitter here so we can flail together more on her future projects. And finally: shout out to all the badass captains out there going after their dreams.]

One thought on “Never take that crown off, Kristen Stewart.

  1. Loved this… those die hard fans who continue to to bash each other on social Internet I encourage you to read this article….. K Stewart words “let it got”

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